[Others] iCONM Received the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award on Innovation Award 2022

The project COINS was led by iCONM, and we Braizon is one that participated COINS. This time iCONM received Award.
Belows are articles that iCONM released.
Innovation Net Award 2022
- https://twitter.com/iconm_kawasaki/status/1529337069176094720
- https://www.meti.go.jp/press/2022/05/20220525002/20220525002.html
As one of the representatives of start-up companies among the tenant companies of iCONM, and as one of the start-up companies participating in COINS, we participated in the Q&A session in the interview by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
Recognizing the high expectations and responsibilities for nanomedicine, we will continue to strive for the social implementation of our technology.